Wednesday, November 05, 2008

back in action

just wanted to give a quick word on an article i came across. click here for more details. basically it's a study showing larger bmi (body mass index, a measure of how "big" you are) women were sexually as active as thinner women, maybe even more so. what i love about the story is the following quote from one of the researchers: "These results were unexpected and we don't really know why this is the case," Kaneshiro said. ha ha ha! that is freakin' hilarious, nice little jab at the large people in this world.


Johnny said...

very interesting survey. not what you would think on the results. Jp

Pierce Family Happenings said...

How funny (a little rude of the researchers actually!) I guess it is true that everybody likes a little junk in the trunk! :) Heehee!

PS. We had a great visit with you guys this weekend!